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Version 13 of the IGT for CCG's

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IG Toolkit Version 13

From time to time the HSCIC will update the IG toolkit to reflect the changing needs of the NHS. he changes to the toolkit are discussed below however it is important to remember that the total number of requirements for the CCG's has remained the same at 28 – and that minor changes to the requirements will be addressed in the yearly IG activities of the CCG.

Key changes to the IG toolkit from version 12 to 13 are:-

Requirement 232

New changes to Requirement Statement:

Confidential personal information is only shared and used in a lawful manner and objections to the disclosure or use of this information are appropriately respected.

Requirement 203

New changes to Requirement Statement:

Patients, service users and the public understand how personal information is used and shared for both direct and non-direct care, and are fully informed of their rights in relation to such use.

Requirement 235

New changes to Requirement Statement:

Staff access to confidential personal information is monitored and audited. Where care records are held electronically, audit trail details about access to a record can be made available to the individual concerned on request.

Appendix one provides a full itemised list of changes to the IG Toolkit for Milton Keynes CCG

Caldicott Report

A number of areas of the IG toolkit are being tweaked, so they can form the basis of reporting on progress for the Caldicott 2 recommendations. This builds on the work done by the Caldicott Implementation Monitoring Group (CIMG). The Caldicott2 Report 2013 and the Independent IG Oversight Panel (IIGOP) Annual Report 2014 make clear the need for health and care organisations to:

  • Strengthen their IG leadership;

  • Improve information sharing for care;

  • Provide transparency to citizens about how personal information is used and shared; and

  • Ensure patients/service users are able to fully exercise their right (under the Data Protection Act 1998 and under the common law duty of confidentiality) to make informed decisions about who can use or share their information.

In August it is expected that two types of report will be available, that summarise the position of implementation on the Caldicott 2 recommendations. One will be an individual organisation report, the other an overall performance report for the National Data Guardian, Dame Fiona Caldicott. Although Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG’s) do not routinely provide direct care services, there are exceptions and there is the possibility that this could change as CCG’s reconfigure, withdraw from services that used to be provided by Commissioning Support Units.

The IG toolkit version 13 requires that the CCG have in place a Caldicott Action plan and report to appropriate assurance committees, and the use of the new national return template would assist in this assurance mechanism. CCG's (at this stage) is not monitored about its Caldicott 2 compliance at a national level, however

  • 1) The CCG should anticipate that it will be and

  • 2) There are benefits to demonstrating Caldicott 2 compliance now.

By developing a Caldicott Action plan and reporting internally a CCG can be ahead of the curve should the national reporting expand to include CCG’s, it would also provide a significant assurance that the CCG are addressing the Caldicott Review as part of its annual IG work plan. It is important to bear in mind that the report will place no additional work on the CCG except for its presentation change and ratification.

Detail on the reports

The reports will pull through information on the following IG Toolkit requirements

  • CCG 130

  • CCG 230, CCG 231, CCG 232, CCG 250, CCG 234, CCG 235 and the standard 207 (information sharing protocols – implied for CCG’s not yet a specific requirement)

  • CCG 340, CCG 349, CCG 345

  • CCG 420

To enable the reporting some amendments have been made to requirements to reflect the Caldicott2 Report and the DH response as follows:

  • New requirement statements for requirements CCG 231, CCG 232, CCG 250 and CCG 235.

  • Amended attainment levels for requirements CCG 230, CCG 231, CCG 232, CCG 250, CCG 234, CCG 235, CCG 349.

  • Additional guidance for requirements CCG 130, CCG 230, CCG 231, CCG 232, CCG 250, CCG 234, CCG 235, 207 (as above), CCG 349 and CCG 345.

Report presentation

The reports will be presented as status against the following Caldicott2 recommendations

  • Recommendation 1 – CCG 250,CCG 234, CCG 235

  • Recommendation 2 – CCG 231, 207 (as above)

  • Recommendation 4 – CCG 231, 207 (as above)

  • Recommendation 5 – CCG 349

  • Recommendation 6 – CCG 232, CCG 349

  • Recommendation 7 – CCG 232, CCG 250

  • Recommendation 12 – CCG 130,CCG 230, CCG 340, CCG 345,CCG 420

  • Recommendation 15 – CCG 130, CCG 230, CCG 340, CCG 345, CCG 420

  • Recommendation 19 – CCG 250

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